The Core Values of our Approach
We can use our personal values as a map to help us navigate our way. It’s important for Pantarei Practitioners to make sure that the values of the Approach are being manifest in every one of their sessions. This is why we refer to the Pantarei Approach’s core values from the very first module of our training.
The Pantarei Approach is based on the premise that each of us is unique. It is in this uniqueness that we can find the best way in which to support our clients. The Pantarei process touches clients physically as well as emotionally, by tapping into their desired goals, and also discovering their challenges along the way. The practitioner uses a combination of touch and verbal communication to connect to the clients’ inner wisdom.
Our values can guide our way
We know that when we relate to our core values as our guide, practitioners are given a practical and pragmatic solution to their questions. It allows the practitioner to find an answer to each situation even if it wasn’t learned in class. As the focus is on the uniqueness of the client, it’s obvious that there are different ways to deal with each situation.
The core values of the approach should lead the practitioner in their way of acting. Just like everybody knows that defining your values when you run a business and hold a brand gives you the direction in which to move your product, actions, policies and appearance. In the same way, becoming clear on your values as practitioner will support you in your action and the kind of relationship you develop with your clients.

Our core values
1. Being in flow
We are all a part of a greater flow in life. Just like a stone being thrown into the water and creating ripples, every on of our actions in life, affects others and their life situations. Sometimes we feel in harmony with ourselves and others. While at other times, we find things to be more challenging. Our intention as practitioners is to strengthen this harmonious way of being by bringing more flow into our lives.
Part of how we do this is by reminding our clients of the bigger picture; that their life is part of a greater flow of moments. When our clients get to feel a clearer sense of both themselves and their surroundings, they can feel a part of the flow of life. Their uniqueness can then be expressed, while contributing to other people and to their own unique abilities.
2. Dynamic communication
Listening is one of the most important parts of communication. Practitioners learn to listen to verbal information, and they learn to tune into their clients´ non-verbal cues. This in itself allows communication to come from a place of curiosity, care, and empathy. Communication between a client and a practitioner is a dynamic one. It includes questions and answers, descriptions, and clarifications. Real communication happens when we are touched by what is being expressed, when we are able to integrate it and allow it to have an impact in our lives.
People need to communicate with each other, just like they need to breathe and eat. People need to feel that they are seen by others, and are being heard. Our ability to communicate as humans is well developed and we depend on this ability in many aspects of our lives. Every process strengthens this core ability and gives space to let it further develop.

3. Embracing individuality
Each client is a unique individual. As practitioners, we are committed to discover with our clients, what makes them who they are. It can be a combination of their character, their core values and their life story that might lead us to understand them better. We listen to who they are when we converse with them, and we sense their vibrancy when our hands touch them.
The Pantarei Approach maintais that it is in that uniqueness that the true answers of each client exist. Exploring the uniqueness of our clients, ensures a fascinating and individualized way of learning. It makes sure that we teach in a different way, according to the needs of every person we meet.
4. Empowering learning approach
Clients who come to sessions deal with a variety of life situations and challenges. Obviously not all of them are positive, or happy. However all of them can be used to empower the client.
By focusing our clients on their uniqueness, we are inherently empowering them, and enhancing their ability to learn and develop. We cannot change the events in life that have already taken place. However, we can change the way we respond to them. We can therefore allow ourselves to learn and be empowered by them.
5. Respect
When we respect our clients and respect ourselves, we create the best conditions for learning and for a process of self-development. People’s uniqueness can express itself in a much clearer way when they are being respected.
Respecting others for their individuality and differences in a non-judgmental way, is a substantial part of creating healthy relationships with our clients. Without this, true learning cannot take place. Furthermore, the path of being a practitioner is a path of learning to respect others, for the life circumstances they are dealing with, for their character and spirit, and for the personal goals they pursue.

6. Safety and trust
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is for our clients to feel safe in the setting in which their sessions take place. People can handle a great deal of situations when they feel safe. Safety can be experienced through the professionalism of the practitioner, but more than that, by their humane touch and in the way they act.
Trust comes together with safety. In our experience, the combination of words and touch can create trusting relationships quickly, as long as all the core values are also considered. When clients feel trust in a safe environment, their ability to learn and progress is enhanced.
7. Unification of parts
Sessions of the Pantarei approach combine verbal communication with touch. This combination represents this value. We believe that in order to create profound change in any process, the client needs to feel the unification of all of their parts. Their mind has to be connected to their emotions and their body. Their past experiences, connected to the present moment as well as to their future.
When our clients achieve harmony between their body, mind and emotions, their unique life-path and inner wisdom become more tangible. It is then that they can let go, allow the experience to be and learn the power of their being.

Values and ethics
Our core values, together with our code of ethics, are the guidelines for all practitioners of the Pantarei Approach. We believe that each practitioner has to add their own personal values to that list, that will then guide them in their actions. This will allow their practice to be as powerful as it can get.