Cultivating Hope in Uncertainty

Hope often arises in the darkest moments, offering a way forward through pain, fear, and uncertainty. In Pantarei Approach sessions, we explore your unique strengths and possibilities, helping you reconnect with your inner compass and envision a meaningful future, no matter the challenges....

The Pantarei of Writing Vered Mansse and Roxan McDonald

The Pantarei of Writing – Your Unique Voice and The Craft of Writing

Writing about the Pantarei Approach isn’t just a matter of discipline; it’s an emotional excavation. Each session at my desk stirs up memories, challenges, and unexpected revelations. With Roxan McDonald, my writing coach, by my side, I navigate this journey of self-discovery. Writing isn’t merely...

Beyond Sessions

Beyond Sessions – “Searching within for Answers” | a live Q&A with Claudia & Vered

We have just started a Beyond Sessions interview series in collaboration with Megan Lillick, our program host. In this first interview of the series: "Searching within for Answers"  we explore our experiences in holding the Pantarei vision. Below is a transcript based on our interview and...

Personal and Professional Growth. The Joys and the Surprises

Next week the 12th class of the Pantarei Approach will commence. When we think about the development of our school, we notice just how much our personal and professional growth are interlinked. Just last week a student of ours mentioned that we as teachers and...

Achieve your goals

How to achieve goals – the Pantarei Approach

Just last week we finished teaching an advanced course on achieving goals. While our focus was on teaching Pantarei practitioners to better guide their clients towards reaching their goals in their sessions, we too encouraged the practitioners to explore their own personal goals. We gave...

The Drums of Passion: Teaching the Pantarei Approach

Last Sunday, I met a friend in the park. She is a designer. She said that lately, she misses having projects that energize her to wake up and work in the middle of the night when her kids are asleep. I felt somewhat surprised and...