Personal and Professional Growth. The Joys and the Surprises

Next week the 12th class of the Pantarei Approach will commence. When we think about the development of our school, we notice just how much our personal and professional growth are interlinked. Just last week a student of ours mentioned that we as teachers and...

The Benefits of Being both Friends and Business Partners

If you know anything about the Pantarei Approach, you probably know that it was founded by two women, two visionary partners, two friends - Claudia Glowik, and I, Vered Manasse. We are both friends and business partners and we love it. Our long-lasting friendship forms...

being in flow 3 © Andre Laubner

Flow – Practitioner Q & A: André ‘Loppa’ Laubner, Germany.

We see the flow of life, like a river – as one great flowing journey. The essential flow of life is achieved when we understand the concept of being in flow and can integrate it into everything we do. As part of a regular series, we are asking Pantarei...

Career © Marc Schafer

Choosing a Career with Flow

Picture a person standing in the middle of a crossroads looking in all directions, trying to figure out where to go. There’s nobody around, only a sign with multiple arrows pointing in different directions - towards the sunset, the sunrise, the mountains, a forest, the...

mjb yoga © Marie Burrows

Flow – Q & A: Marie Burrows, England

We see the flow of life, like a river – as one great flowing journey. The essential flow of life is achieved when we understand the concept of flow and can integrate it into everything we do. As part of a regular series, we are asking people...

social © Nele Coelsch

Flow – Practitioner Q & A: Nele Coelsch, Germany

We see the flow of life, like a river – as one great flowing journey. The essential flow of life is achieved when we understand the concept of flow and can integrate it into everything we do. As part of a regular series, we are asking people we...