Megan Lillick, Pantarei Approach Practitioner

Creativity and the importance of playfulness Megan Lillick is a Pantarei practitioner and a creative entrepreneur. We met to talk about creativity and the importance of playfulness and how she integrates the principles of the Pantarei Approach in her work. She recently started supporting the Pantarei...

Personal and Professional Growth. The Joys and the Surprises

Next week the 12th class of the Pantarei Approach will commence. When we think about the development of our school, we notice just how much our personal and professional growth are interlinked. Just last week a student of ours mentioned that we as teachers and...

The Drums of Passion: Teaching the Pantarei Approach

Last Sunday, I met a friend in the park. She is a designer. She said that lately, she misses having projects that energize her to wake up and work in the middle of the night when her kids are asleep. I felt somewhat surprised and...

Embracing acheivments

The Importance Of Celebrating Your Own Achievements

Do you also know the struggle when it comes to celebrating your own achievements? I'm not necessarily talking about the big reasons for celebration, such as getting a new job or getting married. Instead, I'm relating to the many small moments in our daily lives...

How can you deal with your problems in ways that lead you towards your unique qualities and strengths?

People go to Pantarei practitioners, in order to help them change the things in their lives they view as problematic. It could be the quarrels they often have in their relationships, or their desire to find a partner. It could be a persistent feeling of...

Maxence Allain, Pantarei Approach Practitioner

Life’s Unfolding Journey A coincidence, by definition, doesn’t mean random— but simply two events occurring at the same time. Coincidence, from Medieval Latin coincidere, literally “to fall upon together,” from the assimilated form of Latin com “with, together.” Maxence riding his bike and me out for a run literally happened...