How do You Heal?
What can support a person’s healing process? What is healing and how does it work? These are just a few of the questions that every Pantarei Practitioner asks throughout their daily work with their clients. Have you ever asked yourself: “How do you heal? ” What were the answers that came up for you?
The ancient Greek translations for healing are: “to become whole again” as well as “to make whole”. Through our daily work with clients I can only agree that healing often happens when a person becomes more of themselves again; when they can reconnect or unite parts that were somehow not accessible before.
Healing is a natural ability of our body
Our body has the power to balance itself, to recover, and be on the lookout for all kinds of creative solutions in order to do so. Our ability to heal as human beings is miraculous. It is not only our body that heals but also our spirit and soul.
While we often relate to healing as a response to a physical condition, we should remember that the same resources required for healing from a physical condition, are also those that help us deal with emotional loss, hurt and almost any situation that life throws at us.

The flow of healing
Processes of the Pantarei Approach help people connect more to themselves, and by doing so, connect more to their individual and unique qualities and strengths. This supports them on their way to reaching their individual goals. As such, your practitioner will always be interested in the questions: “how do you heal?” and “how does your uniqueness fit into that?” “How can you become more whole again?”
The emphasis will always be on what you need in order to re-join a flow of healing. What do you need in order to collect your pieces together?
Healing and what makes us whole, differs from person to person. The combination of what we need is unique, just as we are unique in our body, mind and soul. We can often find ourselves looking for signs to show us that we actually are healing.

Every person heals in their own way. My personal healing processes were much better when I managed to listen to myself and what I needed. This was not so easy to do on my own when I was scared, in pain, or too tired. It was then that I lost trust in my abilities to heal. I healed much better when I was in a place in which I felt safe. Being at home gave me a sense of comfort as I could do the things I wanted in my own time. My healing happened better when I could take a shower whenever I wanted. My healing happened better when I was not in an emotional uproar with my partner and worried about him worrying. My healing happened better when I had faith. My healing happened better when I managed to give myself time, and when I understood that what I was going through would change me from who I was before.
Healing is personal
Having somebody with me to ask: “How do you heal?”; someone who is curious to learn with me and from me just how I heal, in addition to any required medical support, is simply amazing. Somebody to take care that I do not lose myself in the healing process but rather the opposite: that I can unveil for myself what I can gain and how I can grow through the condition that I might suffer from. Somebody who has the time to explore with me how I heal.
Healing is a complex process. Healing requires everything of us. Healing is personal. What makes us heal is unique and it brings our own uniqueness to the surface.

A healing process is a window into ourselves
As a Pantarei Practitioner I’m in the fortunate position to be able to add something to any healing process that my clients are going through. I explore their strength, and their uniqueness together with them, and therefore we discover what it is that makes them more whole.
I’m trained in listening to them and discovering what would allow them to heal better. What can support the healing process, not from the medical perspective, but from their own resources. What will make the person more whole again and through this, tapping directly into their own healing resources.
Every healing process is a window into ourselves. It almost forces us to grow, to change, to adapt, to learn. It is wonderful if there is somebody at our side. Someone who can remember this and guide us towards this strength as it is so easy to lose it from our sight when we are suffering and unwell.
Do you know the answer to: “ how do you heal?” What supports you in your healing processes? What do you need in order to tap into that power flow? And which parts of you does it bring to the surface?
If you are curious to find out, why not hook up with a Pantarei Practitioner near you?
By Claudia