One Year Later, and So it Flows
There are so many ways to summarize the first year of establishing the Pantarei Approach. A year ago, it was a certain certainty, from knowledge that was shaped by many years of experience. Now, a year later there are more than a hundred students and practitioners who learn with us, there is a fully booked class that will start learning with us in February and a list of interested people who have started to fill out the class that will begin next in October.
It was a year of trust. A year of learning and teaching and the energy that moved us was often connected to the trust of these people who came to learn with us. It was a year where we learned to trust ourselves, our hearts, our knowledge, and our need to share and give to the world what we experienced when we worked with our clients. It was a year of trusting the approach itself, that somehow chose us to be its teachers.
I cannot say that it was an easy year, just like many beginnings there were many tests, many decisions to make, many challenges, but I will forever be grateful for the trust we received from those around us, who chose us as their teachers, and for the many that supported and believed in us and what we have to teach and give.
I am more than curious for the years to come, for the impact practitioners will have on those around them, the way they will teach their own clients to be connected to their own resources. I am curious to see how this approach will become more real in the world and the many directions it might develop and progress into.
I look back on this year with gratitude. It was not a perfect one, nor was it the happiest one, but collectively, it was one of the most fulfilling years of my life. It was a year that taught me so much about myself, what I want to give, what is burning within me and what needs to be expressed. It was a year where I learned a lot about people, their ability to shape life, and how powerful it is to be connected to that positive energy of flow. This was the year when I felt a new life begin for me, along with others that joined on this path and the many more that I’m going to meet in the future.
We made this trailer a year ago and today much of the reflections students had remain the same. We wish everybody the very best for the coming year and beyond. Thank you for sharing so much with us in 2017.