Seasons power of flow

Flowing With the Seasons

Winter can be hard and sometimes finding flow during those months is challenging. Spring seems to be the one season where our behaviour matches that of nature – we shed the layers that protected us and emerge into the light. We unfold and start to ‘blossom’ as the skies turn once again to blue and the sun visits us more often. As spring begins we are better able to access motivation and inspiration, as the change of seasons reminds us of the power of flow, within and around us.

Seasons © Anders Jilden

As one season changes into the other, each with its own uniqueness and beauty, people also can change and transform. The different stages of our life are like seasons – they represent a change that needs to happen for new growth to emerge. The environment around us may change but there are also internal changes, partly influenced by the different times of our lives, but also with the seasons as markers to remind us that change is constantly happening.

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The miracle of human nature is that we transform from infant to adult, from student to teacher, from son or daughter to parent and more. Also from joy to sadness, from the unknown to the informed, from love to loss, from active to passive. Each transformation happens naturally, yet in each version of ourselves, we end up being distinctly different than before. This is also the flow that we see as the seasons change. Summer and winter could not be more different, but autumn transitions us, change comes gradually and we are then better equipped to evolve into whatever the next season will bring.

Seasons © Jeremy Bishop

The essential skill of being human is recognising and embracing the natural flow and cycles that we experience and that are around us. Being in flow means we have the ability to move between one situation and another, allowing the situation around us to affect us, yet still maintaining our purpose and vision.

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Seasons Pandas

That information alone is empowering. Knowing that you are the only one that can know your whole story, feel it and believe it can be daunting, but also totally inspiring. You can literally do anything you decide you want to do, because you have harnessed the flow of your own intentions and you alone are the one who knows you the best. Only you know how to find the courage you need to face challenges and delve deeper into yourself, how to make the decisions you need to make and how to face the difficult parts of your past and your future.

Seasons Panthers

Spring offers a chance for new ideas. Now is the time to think about what you really want for the year ahead. Don’t think of the detail about how to achieve it, or what things will prevent you from achieving it, just think about what you want. That first step is all you need for now. Then find your flow and start to move towards the next version of yourself that you will soon become.

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