Enjoyment is an Essential Part of an Effective Practice
When I lead workshops for people who are interested in becoming Pantarei practitioners, I combine lecturing with introductions, demonstrations and practice. In those workshops the participants have time to ask their questions, get answers and get a taste of how it would be to learn this profession with us.
In the last introduction meeting we had in Berlin, I found myself encouraging the participants to enjoy the contact they were having, in that moment with another human being. They were giving short sessions to each other with my guidance, and I moved between them, supporting them in the ways they touched the shoulders and necks of each other. One of the things I noticed that was missing in their touch and interaction with each other, was the simple joy of being in physical contact with another person.
I let them notice how much they actually enjoyed what they were doing, and encouraged them to let it be expressed. It amazes me each time – and it amazes them too – how effective this actually is. The client’s body and heart immediately feel the difference. It is as if letting it be joyful adds another wave of energy to their actions, and with that, the client is reached and therefore change can take place.
It’s common knowledge that enjoyment should be part of daily life, but somehow, we forget to relate to it, when we refer to our professional life. When I express how beautiful nature is around me, I acknowledge how much I enjoy it, and how happy it makes me feel. The result of that is that the colors, the smells and the beauty become clearer and more outstanding and their effect on my being grows.
When I eat ice-cream with my friends and one of us allow themselves to express how much enjoyment this simple act brings them – where our childhood memories are being mixed with the joy of the moment; magically the ice-cream becomes even tastier.
When I meet a person and enjoy our conversation, there is a difference in our interaction if I allow myself to just express it. The simple gesture of saying “this is truly interesting” or “I would like to know more” or “I’m so happy we finally met” can make a huge difference in the dynamic and the conversation we would probably have. By opening up like that, there can then be further trust, curiosity and a sense of safety around wherever the conversation may lead us.
In their professional career, our practitioners’ role is often to be there and hold space for their clients in moments of difficulty, or when dealing with challenging emotions, crises, past traumas, pain or hurt. At the same time, they also need to keep space for enjoyment of the pleasure of being alive, of the growth that comes with any challenge; and of the very simple joy of being touched, being listened to and being there with somebody else, together enjoying the trust built in the room.
To enjoy what you are doing and also find your own unique way of expressing it, is important. It not only brings more happiness and pleasure to life, but it also allows us to be more effective. People who enjoy what they do, radiate it around themselves and their motivation is contagious. They find their actions to be more effective and to produce greater results. They are also able to remember moments of difficulties or failings, as something that doesn’t take over. They can then therefore draw conclusions from them and lessons can be learned. To enjoy the moment with whatever it brings, is to live in the flow of life.
When we enjoy the process of leading sessions with our clients, when we as practitioners enjoy meeting our clients and being part of their personal path – their struggles, their achievements and the flow of life, our clients feel it. Their space of learning becomes safer, clearer and they can engage in the process with more trust and confidence.
Joy is not just a feeling – it is a force in life. Joy doesn’t mean that everything is positive and happy, but it does mean that we can let our hearts be touched, and allow the simplicity of our being to find its place. Meeting someone in a place where joy is shared is a privilege and in that moment, we can open ourselves to trust, to learn, and to let desired change happen. Can you allow yourself in the moment, to just enjoy your own being? Can you find ways to express your joy in the direction of your own life?