Our Blog

Humor Helps You Better Understand Yourself and Others – Not an April Fools day joke!

Today is April Fool's Day, which commonly involves playing harmless pranks on our friends, family members, and co-workers. On this day we get to laugh at the expense of others. While this experience can be considered to be somewhat controversial, we cannot deny the fact...

Personal and Professional Growth. The Joys and the Surprises

Next week the 12th class of the Pantarei Approach will commence. When we think about the development of our school, we notice just how much our personal and professional growth are interlinked. Just last week a student of ours mentioned that we as teachers and...

The Holiday Season, The Gift Of Your Uniqueness

It's the holiday season, and everyone is looking out for presents they wish to give their family and friends. Festive lights adorn balconies and frame shop windows displaying beautifully wrapped gifts, inviting us to enter. Presents are lovely to exchange. Yet, we all know that it's...

The Pantarei Approach Turns Five

Five years ago, we opened our first official class of the Pantarei Approach. And this happened during one of the most intense and challenging periods of our lives. The Pantarei Approach was born out of a professional crossroads. But way more than that, it was a...

Achieve your goals

How to achieve goals – the Pantarei Approach

Just last week we finished teaching an advanced course on achieving goals. While our focus was on teaching Pantarei practitioners to better guide their clients towards reaching their goals in their sessions, we too encouraged the practitioners to explore their own personal goals. We gave...