The Power Of Your Wishes
It is that time of year again when our days are short. And in many cultures and in different ways, we count down the time until the sky will once again be brighter for longer, and light up our lives. This year, we have also reached a time when the epidemic seems never-ending and weighs heavily on our hearts. It is the time just before the holidays and a change of year, that can be challenging and demanding on all. Yet, it is also a time for making our wish list and setting our direction towards the future that we would like.
Have you already made your wish list?
Are you still wishing for things in your life to happen, or did you give up on doing this soon after childhood? I know that I sometimes still need reminding of how powerful our wishes can be. What an amazing strength they bring into our lives. And I am often reminded of this by my son. Now 4 1/2 years old, his wish list for Christmas this year was written up quite some time ago, and there is never a moment’s hesitation when he is asked: “What do you wish for?” He is well-practiced in wishing. Every day he makes them up. Big or small, possible or impossible, wishes belong to his everyday life.

Make a wish every day
This morning he woke up singing, “I wish for it to snow, please, I wish for it to snow. My biggest wish for today is snow; let it snow, let it snow…”. His father checked the weather app and was sorry to disappoint him. No snow in the forecast today. But who cares about the forecast and prognoses when it comes to the wishes of the heart. Even with the ‘wrong’ weather report at hand, my son continued his chanting throughout the day, actively reaching out for snow.
Wishes are contagious
Needless to say, my son infected me with his wish, and I felt the same yearning for some of that unique powder. From midday on, we were both actively wishing and actively looking out for that magic powder from the sky. And then finally in the afternoon, when the day already lost all its light, it began to snow. A few snowflakes found their way down to earth, to our feet, and with it, they brighten up the day. They filled us with joy, and we could be seen dancing and singing, caught up in the magic and joy. What also emerged was another wish: for some more snow!
Wishing is actively pursuing what you want
For some people, wishing for something might seem very passive. They might think that wishing is giving up; leaving it in the hands of God, life, or others to fulfill. But in reality, wishing for something is anything but being passive. The moment I become clear of a wish, it gives me focus, and a direction for my actions. It allows me to move forward on a path of choice, and often, it is a way that simultaneously leads me towards my heart.

Creating new possibilities
To have that focus, to reach out and imagine a better outcome, demands that I leave my normal point of view behind, and move toward another range of possibilities. That in itself is extremely enriching and powerful. No matter if the wish comes true or not, looking out for it, and moving toward it, allows us to lead our life in a direction of choice.
Do you know what your wishes are?
So, what is on your wish list for today? Is it easy for you to know what you would like? I sometimes find that it is not so easy to identify my wishes. If asked on the spot, it often takes me a minute or two for my wishes to come to mind. Why does it seem so natural for most children to state their wishes without hesitation? And the older we get, the harder we have to search to bring them to life.

By listening to your wishes, you’re listening to your heart
My conclusion is that we don’t pay much heed to what our hearts have to say in our everyday lives. And asking yourself what you wish for could even be replaced by: “What does my heart want?” Everybody knows that living by our heart keeps us healthy and strong. Could you imagine that having a daily wish list might be the best cardio workout that you can do? Well, it is.
Give yourself space and time, and practice making wishes
When you don’t know what to wish for, breathe deeply into your chest, and ask your heart. Give it a moment to speak up, and you will be rewarded by the power that your wishes can bring with them, in an instant. They will keep you healthy, fuel you with energy, and give you direction. They can make you more resilient, and move you toward your happiness. Wishes are powerful stuff and 100% natural and homemade.

Having a wish gives hope
Having accompanied people for over 25 years in their personal growth, shows me clearly that nobody lives a life without difficulties, misfortune, and challenges. There might be periods of bliss and fortune, but they are often followed by times of hardship and loss. And yet, some people seem to manage more easily. And quickly find their way back towards balance, health, and happiness. They seem able to connect to the positive, even in the small things in life. They look out for the turning point in every situation, and the benefits that a difficult time can also bring.
What makes this difference for them? Why do they seem to manage better than others? The answer astonishes me. They have hope! Some say that hope is the most powerful resource we have as human beings. Exercising your ability to wish, is tapping into the amazing power of hope. A tough situation in the present will become more bearable when we are able to envision a better future ahead
Have your daily wishes. Make a wish list for every season, and strengthen yourself by getting to know where your heart wishes to lead you in life. Give yourself the gift of making space for your wishes. They are truly powerful, just like you.
Written by Claudia Glowik
Vivien Löschner
December 12, 2020 at 12:39 pmThank you for this inspiring, reassuring, touching text, Claudia. Your words made me connect immediately to my yearning heart, and i notice when i allow the wish to just be there, then courage and trust follows -even if I don’t know exactly how to reach it yet or if it will unfold. But hope is there again and willingness to take action where I can. this way we give life the chance to unfold in directions we really like. So exciting and powerful!
Thank you. ❤️
Claudia Glowik
December 12, 2020 at 6:41 pmDear Vivien, I’m so touched by your words. This is what I hoped the blog can inspire. If we trust our heats and allow them to live our wishes it is empowering no matter if we know how to reach where we wish to go or if it will happen. Enjoy wishing and let it enrich you all over again. Big hug ! Claudia