Exploring Our Sense of Touch
Our sense of touch is magical. It is a true masterpiece of nature. Yet it is so evident; so present that we hardly ever give it the time of day. When was the last time you thought about your sense of touch? How does it serve you and how could you use it better in your everyday life?
When you think of all your senses, you might realize that there are some that stand out and easily come to mind. You surely noticed how tasty your last meal was. And are able to compare the taste of your favorite cake in childhood to the ones you now bake yourself. With every bite you take, you also appreciate your sense of smell and how significant this is for you. You smell what you eat and drink, you smell the perfume that the people around you are wearing. And you either take a deeper breath in, to delight in the sensation, or you take a step back.
And of all our senses, our sight is possibly the most used sense and the one we give the most attention to. We trust what our eyes see and we let them lead us. We do this in combination with what we hear around us and the attention we give through listening.

When do you take notice of what you touch and how it feels?
For many of us, our sense of touch is the one we most take for granted. We think about it in connection to our intimate relationships or lack thereof. We connect it to desire and passion, but we often fail to realize that it is one of the senses we rely on all the time.
Are you aware of how this sense is affecting you at this very moment?

Our sense of touch allows us to feel our existence
When we think about ourselves, we need to allow ourselves to feel our own presence. We need to be aware of our physical existence, and we do this through our sense of touch.
When we are touched by another person, we are reminded of our physical presence, our shape and our expression. However, we often forget that this sense is constantly active. We touch and are touched all the time.
This is the case for the the apple we hold in our hand, the chair we sit on, or the floor that we step on. It is true of the fabric our clothes are made of and the air that moves against our skin.
Actively notice your sense of touch
Notice your body and your skin. Notice that you know where you are in the room; what is up and what is down. Close your eyes so as to block your sense of sight; one that you are much more aware of. Take a deep breath to help you sense more. Let your hands wander over the different textures that are around you. Notice the materials that your chair is made of, and notice the texture of your clothes or even of your own skin. Notice that by touching and sensing the materials around you, you also get a sense of your own hands.
Now open your eyes. Notice how this exercise has impacted the way you perceive your surroundings, as well as the way in which you perceive yourself.
When you deliberately bring your attention to your sense of touch, it allows you to sense how you are constantly touched by your surroundings.

The lack of touch we so often experience
Touch, in most modern societies, is very restricted. And even more so this year, in 2020. The Covid pandemic has distanced us even further. We feel how much we would like to place a hand on somebody’s shoulder. How much we would like to shake hands, or even, God forbid, hug each other warmly when we meet. The restrictions we are all experiencing emphasize the importance of the sense of touch in our lives.
However, the sensation that we are not touched enough, extends beyond the specific challenges of 2020. To touch and be touch is a basic need we all have. And it is crucial for our well- being. It is this sense that allows us to get a sense of ourselves and our surroundings, and to find our place in this world.
Touch enables us to live a healthier and happier life
There are many symptoms that can be positively affected, simply through bringing attention to our sense of touch. This can be done by feeling someone’s hands on our body, or simply noticing our own presence, by focusing on our sense of touch.
The feeling of being lost, uncertain, not feeling well in your own skin, or having a low self-image, can be affected by focusing on your sense of touch. It can support your personal growth and your ability to cope with challenges.
Our sense of touch allows us to connect to our emotions without becoming overwhelmed. The opposite is also true. When we feel safe in our own skin, we can allow ourselves to experience the strong emotions as they arise.

Our sense of touch doesn’t depend on others
We usually relate to our sense of touch as something that is dependent on others. While having a good massage, or having a partner with whom we enjoy exploring our sense of touch contribute to our well-being, our sense of touch doesn’t depend on these factors. When we remember that we are constantly touched by our surroundings, we can expand our attention much more throughout the day.
Your sense of touch is woken up when the water of your morning shower touches you; when you slip into your clothes, or when you cover yourself with a warm blanket.
The impact of this sense is fast. If you touch your arms with your own hands, you will immediately feel more present and a certain calming sensation of being home in your own body, takes over.
In sessions
In every Pantarei session we use a combination of touch and dialogue to connect our clients to their own presence; to their own strength and to the safety of being who they are.

Increase your attention to your sense of touch
Notice how the world touches you. Feel the earth touch your feet when you walk. Notice how your clothes touch your skin. Feel the effects of your morning shower on your body. And once in a while, place your own hands on your skin, and listen to your own body, to your wishes, to yourself.
We look forward to reading about your experiences.
Written by Claudia Glowik and Vered Manasse