Discover the power of communication through touch, with co-founder of the Pantarei Approach in Berlin, Vered Manasse.
Join us for an introductory evening, where we will explore our ability to listen beyond words. We will be introduced to the power of touch and how this significant form of communication strongly connects us to ourselves and to others.
Evening Overview
Do you feel that your talents, skills and qualities are being expressed and realized as authentically as you wish them to be?
How often do you experience the sensation of ‘being at home’ in your own skin?
This evening will present to you a way in which you can be more in touch with what you feel and experience, while at the same time achieving your life goals. It will allow you to connect to your ability to strengthen your self-confidence, while being in harmony with those around you.
Who Should Attend
If you are curious about being able to listen beyond the words, to learn about yourself and others, and to find a way to live in better flow with people around you.
If you have wanted more confidence and knowing in your touch with others and the capacity to be touched.
If you are wanting a more embodied life, where you can be more present, clear, grounded and capable and want to learn exciting yet simple and innate ways to achieve this.
What You’ll Get Out of the Evening
Touch is a basic need for our health and development. By training together to strengthen this natural resource of ours, we tap into our own qualities and bring them to the fore. We will notice how our body constantly communicates with us if we only know how to listen to it, and we will learn to give space in what is unique in others as well as what is unique in ourselves.
More details about the location will be sent to you upon registration.
No prior experience is necessary.