Flow – Practitioner Q & A: Kerstin Jaspers, Germany
We see the flow of life, like a river – as one great flowing journey. The essential flow of life is achieved when we understand the concept of flow and can integrate it into everything we do.
As part of a regular series, we are asking Pantarei practitioners from around the world, to share with us some insights into their life, their work and what flow means to them.
Q. Tell us about yourself and what you do
My name is Kerstin Jaspers and I live and work in Hamburg and also work in the north of Germany. I am a 46 year old woman who is curious about and loves life! I am interested in human beings, their paths and their decisions – both conscious and unconscious – and about the way they choose to live their lives. I love nature, especially in Portugal. I like cycling, surfing, jogging, walking and laughing. I am also a mother of a wonderful 13 year old young lady. I am self employed (art & weise coaching) and my work centres around job coaching, business training, presentations, workshops, supervision, somatic coaching and bodywork, using the Pantarei Approach.
Q. What touches you about the Pantarei Approach?
What touches me about the Pantarei Approach is the natural way it allows me to be connected with people, through touch, movement, breath and communication. I like to be a part of people’s experiences of becoming present through being touched. They connect with themselves in their body in a deep and powerful way. To feel what we are IN our body is at first a natural and also an inspiring state of awareness. In that moment, we feel complete as a human being – at one in our body, mind and soul. This experience connects us to our deepest and highest self at the same time. It encourages us to be real and authentic and to live a fulfilling life. All these aspects appear in the work with the Pantarei Approach and I can see my clients connect to what they really are or maybe what they are really meant to be. This kind of body work is so empowering to me and I love to give it in sessions as much as I love to receive it!
Q. What does being in flow mean to you?
Okay, being in flow for me means an accepting attitude towards everything that comes into my life – situations, people, words, thoughts, my mind and my beliefs. With an attitude of gratitude, I can receive everything coming into my life with a curious and interested perspective and just be aware of everything, without getting involved in judgements and struggles. In that way, I have a feeling of serenity and a deep trust in everything that comes up in my life, because it is my mirror for my resonating self. Being in flow means – in the best case – that I feel connected to me, my life, the universe, and that I can handle the things that stress or hurt me by integrating them. This can happen by changing my perspective or by accepting the things that happen to me as a lesson that offers me something interesting to learn. On the other hand, being in flow, means that I can also get out of flow, for example in situations that hurt or stress me, or when I get stuck or struggle. I take all these situations as an opportunity for learning more about being in flow and getting back in flow. Flow, for me, is neither positive nor negative; for me it is an attitude of a relaxed view on my life – in every single moment, just realizing. THAT is life and it is all part of my journey as a spiritual being, living the experience of a human life.
Q. How have you seen flow in action in your life?
When I am in flow with my life things are much easier. I resonate with the world, my surroundings and the people around me in an empowering, happy and easy way. My thoughts and my speech begins to express itself more strongly and clearly in daily life, with my actions more closely connected to my deepest intentions. I feel totally connected to my higher self and life becomes a kind of self-fulfilling promise in the most powerful and progressive way possible. When I am walking around, I can feel my full size in a mental, physical and psychic way. All these things happen when I am in flow with my life. I can relate to strangers, to friends, to my work, to my surroundings, to my body, to everything in life. Also to the flowers, the animals and the whole of nature. And I can feel every feeling – good or bad – and just handle it as if it’s something that comes into my life and also leaves it; I don´t need to force a thought or a feeling. They come more fluently, in a flow of conscious awareness, without judgement. That for me, is being in flow with my life and being resonant.
By Kerstin Jaspers.
You can contact Kerstin by email or learn more about her, here on her website.