Working with Pregnant Women
I work regularly with clients, including pregnant women, in individual learning processes and one of the biggest assets I have recognised is my ability to feel another person. Through this I am able to reflect and connect them to themselves with their own strength, powers, inner wisdom and uniqueness. We have a gift as humans to connect and to feel one another and I have fine-tuned and honed this skill for myself now for many years. I use it constantly in my profession, in order to thoroughly support my clients on their chosen path.
Even though sensing another person happens in many different ways, I find the use of touch one of the best ways for me to access them – through this touch I am able to really connect with and feel my clients. The magic of touch is that it not only allows me to feel who this person under my hands is, but it also at the same time, allows that person to connect to themselves and to be able to experience more of who they are than they may have before. Truly amazing is our ability to communicate through touch and contact from skin to skin.
I will never forget the experience of the first time I worked with a client who was pregnant. By touching her simply on the shoulders, allowing her to relax and get a sense of herself, I was immediately connected to her; to her body, working its magic in creating new human life. In any process, it is already amazing to have the honour to get to know one person and their unique abilities.
Joining pregnant womens’ experiences in this time is simply mind blowing. We are able to feel how the mother’s body is almost humming, with a current that takes over her being and simply knows what to do. Something innate is establishing a clear sense of the new human being that is there – and in this there is so much to feel, so many sensations, such an energy. That first experience was such an honour and from that moment on I was hooked.
I have since accompanied many woman through their pregnancies, childbirths and transitions to become mothers. In every session that I give, years later the magic of this first encounter is still there, along with so much more. By being able to join so clearly in the process of creation, I can encourage the woman to connect to her own powers, to her body that is a true miracle in this time, to show her that she can actively participate in and own her own pregnancy.
The simplest touch of another hand on a pregnant woman’s back can be enough to allow her to connect to herself and the changes that are happening. Communicating through touch is such a powerful force, it can unlock hidden spaces in the woman’s body, that give back a sense of balance, allow focused breathing and makes her stay connected with and feel herself.
Being pregnant and giving birth involves a lot of teamwork – the work of many – but especially of the mother and the child. This teamwork will only function as well as the team players are able to communicate. In the months of pregnancy and after – with the newborn, all communication is based on what we feel – there is no verbal language yet. The language that is being shared is full of sensations, of touch and dependant on our ability to understand each other without words.
When working with pregnant women, I also work with their unborn child. I feel her or him, try to get to know them. I will notice if they like what I’m doing or not. I can share my sensations with the mother and add to this to how she perceives her child, subsequently strengthening the already existing bond between them. Each mother and child has their unique connection and flow that only they create together. It is a communication that develops – a melody, or songs that are shared and created by them. It is truly beautiful to listen to and tune into that conversation, then if needed, support and enhance it.
Having another person confirm and listen to this communication between them, allows the mother once again to connect in an even stronger way to her unborn child. They can get to know each other more, learn to connect to and trust each other. It will allow them to master better, whatever kind of birth was written in the stars for them. When they meet each other face to face, they will already have known each other for quite some time, so they know how to communicate what they need of each other.
The mother’s abilities to connect to herself and to her child, gives and creates a situation of confidence, trust and joy. Ultimately it allows the women to join into the circle of life, with its magic and wonders – it allows her and her surroundings to feel wonderful and to start her journey into motherhood with bravery, strength and confidence. This feeling is often contagious and usually how I feel each time I leave my working room after sessions like this.
Claudia Glowik will be delivering the practitioner only workshop, Working with Pregnant Women on Thursday 7th June until Saturday 9th June from 10am until 6pm daily at Pantarei Approach in Berlin. Click the link above, for more information and to register.