Our Team

 Pantarei Co-Founders: Claudia & Vered

Claudia and Vered are the two inspiring women behind the Pantarei Approach. They have been working together for almost 2 decades and feel themselves truly blessed to be able to spend so much of their time developing and teaching an approach they love. An approach that brings out the unique strengths in each person and plays a part in creating a society that celebrates diversity and change.

Pantarei Approach Claudia Glowik

Claudia Glowik

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” Michelangelo Buonarroti

The Pantarei Approach was born out of one of the most challenging times of my life. Professionally, I had reached a crossroads that forced me to reconsider how I viewed my life. After over 20 years of working with a particular bodywork method, I felt ready to step up and dare to leave a familiar and predictable path behind me.

In the same year, I became pregnant for the first time, already at the age of 40. Bringing a child into the world challenged me in new ways that I had not expected.

Yet in this time, or perhaps because of it, a deep inner strength arose within me and more than ever before, my passion for creating harmony and positive change in this world manifest. Together, with my dearest friend, colleague and greatest support, Vered, we began the challenge of going our own way; of building the foundations of our very own approach.

The Pantarei Approach is my search and partly an answer to the question: “What enables us to have faith, strength and the ability to handle our lives and moments of difficulty – what empowers us to do so – that leads to more health, growth, healing and learning?

I’m tremendously grateful that through all of this, I am able to give back to the world in such a profound way. I am able to teach a profession in which I get to accompany others on their journey, and get to teach students to be able to support their clients to bring out their unique qualities and strengths into the world.

Somatics training co-director Vered

Vered Manasse

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” Confucius

I have always been interested in people and what they have to say: their stories, their views, their unique vision and dreams. No two people are alike, and when a true connection is established, a world of possibility opens up.

Engaging with people from various backgrounds inspires me. I am fascinated by how different people can be; yet when we find a place to connect, we discover that we have more in common than we might have imagined. We all share a language of the heart and an infinite longing to be touched by life.

I am originally from Israel and I immigrated to Berlin, Germany in 2003 to open a school of somatic therapy with Claudia. It was through this, that I realized just how big an influence teaching has in my life and how much I enjoy the collaboration between cultures.

While I consider each person as an entire universe with their own story to tell, that includes their past, their personal mission, and their need to be fulfilled; I love bringing people together and creating bridges that connect. Through the Pantarei Approach, I have the opportunity to be part of an amazing community of people who wish to follow their dreams and make a positive contribution to the world around them.

Establishing the Pantarei Approach after 25 years of practice in the field of somatic therapy is incredibly fulfilling and, is something into which I can pour my love, my intentions, my focus and my drive.

Teachers & Staff

Merev works with people on how to achieve goals in their lives

Merav Gur Arie

Teacher  Since 2005 Merav has worked with countless clients leading workshops and women’s groups on varied subjects. Having deeply explored yoga, Tai-kwon-Do, dance and mediation, today she specializes in teaching how one can develop true self-confidence, authenticity and personal strength in all aspects of life.


Nicole Pieper

Course Coordinator South African by birth, global by heart, Nicole has a vast set of international experiences that she brings to the table. First and foremost, she is a bodywork practitioner and yogi. But with her degree in psychology and keen eye for detail, she happily adds her coordination and administrative skills to the Pantarei Team.

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