Practitioner Q & A: Katharina Alf, Germany
Katarina graduated in February, and we invited her to write in our blog a practitioner Q & A post that relate to her studies, her professional path, and her future career plan.
Who are you and what made you choose learning this approach?
My name is Katharina and I’ve always been looking for a way to bring all the desire and passion I feel inside of me, into the world.
My first profession was acting, which I studied in Leipzig and Berlin. I then spent three years working in theatre. For me, theatre was about wisdom-seeking – digging for gold in all the chaos we generate when we try to connect, looking for beauty and truth. At that time and with the knowledge I had back then, it was hardly possible for me to bring that wish into everyday life in the theatre. It got lost somewhere between the friction of competition, the fear of failure and the shame connected to my heart’s true desire. The dissonance between what I acutally wanted and what I was able to manifest was so big, that I experienced a lot of physical pain. In the end I could barely stand upright. So I left.
With this a great journey began! Looking for a way to heal, I fell back on the path of my original search for wisdom and connection. Within a few months I came into contact with the Pantarei Approach and it was immediately clear to me, that I wanted to become a practitioner. In Pantarei there is no competition, every river flows uniquely in its bed. Experiencing this felt and still feels like to me, like wonderful medicine!
What did you take with you from the studies?
For me personally, this work is a door into the world. With that I mean stepping out of loops of concerns and doubts, and into the adventure. Being curious about all the experiences that await us. I learned how to embody a state of clarity and openess. I learned that connection is always there, as soon as we open that door!

What do you love about this profession?
It is so beautiful to see, how bodies unfold, when they’re being touched with awareness. How with this unfolding, the person arrives to their full size – with all their strength, courage and power as well as all the vulnerability, tenderness and depth that they have. Every single person has a very different approach to life and it feels deeply enriching and inspiring to accompany someone on their path for a while.
My vision is to teach acting students how to embody their dreams and motivations. I know so many young (and older) actors and actresses that struggle with all the dependencies the profession brings with it. It is heartbreaking to hear their stories of injuries, depression, addiction, eating disorders, gastritis and so on. I would love to teach them how to let their hearts burn with all their passion for the stage and the audience, yet still manage to be safe and healthy.
What does being in flow mean to you?
For a long time I felt like I tried to go full speed while the handbrake was firmly on. I was wanting to ‘get going’ but didn’t know how and where to. This waste of energy was of course very exhausting.
I think there are two ways of flow – letting go of the brake and moving forward, or taking your foot off the gas pedal to slow things down. In the end they both can lead to the same sensation – effortlessness.

This Practitioner Q & A were written by Katharina Alf is a certified Pantarei Approach Practitioner, based in Berlin, Germany. You can learn more about her on her website, and she can be contacted by email at in**@ka**********.de
Richard Alf
April 9, 2019 at 10:52 amMy dear daughter, what you are able to write is what I can and always could see in you and it makes me happy! All my love to you! Richard
Katharina Alf
April 9, 2019 at 12:52 pmThank you for all your (ongoing) support during the years ♡