Maxence Allain, Pantarei Approach Practitioner
Life’s Unfolding Journey
A coincidence, by definition, doesn’t mean random— but simply two events occurring at the same time. Coincidence, from Medieval Latin coincidere, literally “to fall upon together,” from the assimilated form of Latin com “with, together.”
Maxence riding his bike and me out for a run literally happened to be in the same place at exactly the same moment. Together unexpectedly. It is always fascinating to think about what actions led to this occurrence. Had he ridden a bit faster on his bike, or had I looked over my shoulder, we would have missed this moment of coming together. I had just contacted Maxence by email, and so the typical game of email tag was cut short by this crossing of paths. A great occasion to see, hear and touch someone with a greeting in person!
We met again on a sunny afternoon; this time planned. Though busy, Maxence is able to find time for a talk. He is preparing to leave Berlin. Before our meeting, he viewed a car he was considering buying and spoke of his last shift at the café where he worked. I catch him in the moment, as one section of his life is closing, and new journeys are just starting.
Previously Maxence was at another crossroads. Years ago he obtained a degree in France in arts and visual communication. He realized he didn’t want to sit in front of the computer for his work and dared to make a change and he wanted to figure out what to do practically. So Maxence decided to study the Pantarei Approach and natural medicine simultaneously. He now calls himself a digital minimalist. However, his background in visual communication is utilized for his website design and especially his blog that features videos created about different topics.
Solutions from a Digital Minimalist
When the onset of restrictions started a year ago, instead of critiquing, Maxence’s blog offered solutions. He used positive reinforcement. “You can talk about a problem for a long time, but if no solutions are on the horizon, it can be frustrating. With this situation of covid, we do have tons of solutions actually. The problems are systemic. With the blog, in the end, I try to offer solutions.”
“I planned to start as a bodyworker beginning of 2020, and I could not. Covid happened, and we were not able to touch people. Previously, I was also studying natural medicine. So, I thought to share and synthesize what I know. I was following what was happening in the world with the safety measures and how our leaders were handling the health situation. My first video was about health. Not about lockdowns or vaccines. Then the second video was about touch because touch is about health and we need to connect to people. It goes without saying that touch is something that allows us to live and be. Science confirms that. But even without science, if you simply hug someone, you feel it is good. The Pantarei Approach does something beneficial for people. I felt it was the right time to talk about touch when we were being told to practice social distancing in these days. I felt that is the opposite of what we need. Actually, with immunity, touch is also good— of course not when you are sick with symptoms.”
He feels it is important to reference science but points out that a society’s trust in its leaders can be fragile, as we have seen this last year. When speaking to Maxence, he flows between science, knowledge of alternative medicine, and discussions on politics with balance, logic, and care. “I am finishing a series on smartphones as everyone is affected nowadays. I think when we are properly informed we can make choices.“ He also posts podcasts summarizing books that interest him.
The Vitality of Life
Maxence has created a unique name he uses for his website and his practice—Vitaletheia. “Vitaletheia is made of two parts: ‘vital’ (the life) and ‘aletheia’ (to unveil). Therefore— to unveil the vitality of life. Maxence elaborates on what this means to him: “We can get to know something by deconstructing it. We say something is ‘not like this’ or ‘not like that.’ Through this, you realize what something actually is. So Vitaletheia is the process of unveiling things. At the same time, combined with life.” Through this concept Maxence shows his creativity and reveals the deeper essence of the Pantarei Approach—which is reminding people of the layers they might have covered. Maxence says he wants to “decluster what we understand as truth, reactivate the vitality in our bodies, and discover the substance of one’s being.”
Maxence speaks a few languages and has given sessions in German, French, English, and Spanish. Still, he doesn’t prefer one language over the other. “I was afraid to give sessions in German, but I found my way. I was surprised I was at ease, actually.” He explains that the combination of touching, talking, and listening communicates in all languages. “We’ve heard the expression ‘one language, one personality.’ But maybe within the Pantarei space of practitioner and client, you can find the words when listening to your client and reduce the vocabulary needed to stay with the person.” Whatever language Maxence uses to speak to his client, his personality securely stays the same, as someone who listens and supports a client in their process.
How was the Pantarei Approach training program?
“The whole experience was enriching. Our group dynamic was nice. It took some time before I found my place and at ease. It was very practical. I would like to do more training and continue learning more technical aspects.”
What has surprised you working with clients?
“Overall, with this approach, when welcoming a person for the first time, it always surprises me the intimacy of the relationship. You don’t know them and thanks to the space and the use of verbal and touch communication, suddenly, BAM— touch connects, and you know so much, and the client is reflecting about themselves. This still surprises me!”
What happens now for you?
“I go to France and I will have time to launch my practice there. I am going to a place where people are eager to try new things—a sort of hippie vortex. My plan is to develop the Pantarei Approach and combine it with Naturopathy. Maybe I can create a praxis or studio there. I look forward to practicing more!”
Final thoughts?
“In a time where we live in an anxiety driven world, because of money dynamics that alienate us and divided, to be able to create a space where you can let a person be— an invitation to not try to be—makes Pantarei Approach very precious”
Before departing, he smiles and says, “I am a student forever.” Maxence walks with me for a bit, and I wonder where he will be in a few days. His new journey begins in a different country, and I am sure it will be packed with many beautiful coincidences.
You can get in touch with Maxence via his website or by email at: ma*****@vi*********.com
Written by Mike O’Connor
Photography by Alice Catalain