Flow – Practitioner Q & A: Jana Wieskötter, Germany
We see the flow of life, like a river – as one great flowing journey. The essential flow of life is achieved when we understand the concept of flow and can integrate it into everything we do.
As part of a regular series, we are asking Pantarei practitioners from around the world, to share with us some insights into their life, their work and what flow means to them.
Q. Tell us about yourself and what you do
I have been living in Berlin for the past year and a half and am enjoying the vibrancy, internationality and inspiration of the city very much. These qualities have been important and useful since starting my own business here. Before doing that, I spent about 10 years of working in a big fast-moving consumer goods company in marketing and sales. I am still working as a business consultant, because I enjoy the business field very much. However I work more independently today and am able to focus more on my work as an energy coach, which truly reflects my passion for working with people.
My vision is to inspire people, as individuals and in business, to live and work more holistically, enabling them to grow and achieve sustainable results. I am certified as a coach as well as a Pantarei practitioner and am able to combine my business background with these approaches in ways that are complementary. I believe that only when you combine the elements of mind, body and emotions will you be able to reach your full potential in life and business. There are amazing growth opportunities available for people and businesses, by connecting to themselves and being in flow! It is still not valued enough in our world today.
Q. What touches you about Pantarei Approach?
I discovered the Pantarei Approach by receiving sessions myself and it literally blew my mind and was a totally new experience for my body! For me, the Pantarei Approach is a way to truly connect to your inner wisdom and truth, going beyond the routines of our everyday livesand stepping out from behind the masks we might wear in different roles in our life. It helps us to reconnect to our strengths, step out of our everyday challenges, see the bigger picture and move forward. Most importantly it teaches us to fully accept what is – it being good or bad, not fighting with what it is, simply letting it be – that creates flow. Modern life has not naturally taught us that wisdom, we need to relearn it and remind ourselves about it. What happens in a Pantarei session is beyond words and the only way to discover it really, is to experience it yourself.
Q. What does being in flow mean to you?
Flow to me means that you, your life and your business move forward almost like in a dance. Things fall into place, there’s almost no effort needed, you feel connected to yourself and your surroundings. It does not mean to not have negative feelings, experiences or struggles, but you don’t fight against these; they do not stay or stick, they simply flow through and make you grow even more. In a Pantarei session, flow means being conscious and at the same time connected to something deeper in you, feeling your whole body without limitations or blockages.
Q. How have you seen flow in action in your life?
I have seen flow in action when I decided to leave my year long, safe and well-paying job, to take time off and think about my future – what I would want to do and how I might start my own business. This step brought a lot of fears and uncomfortable feelings up for me, because I was in a position without control, whilst leaping into the unknown. I have experienced flow when I managed to let go, to simply be – observing what is and trusting a bigger force to move me in the right direction. And indeed, that happened again and again. Life was carrying me forward, almost as if I were in some kind of game, offering me the right opportunities at the right times – it’s like magic and I am very grateful for it.
By Jana Wieskötter
You can contact Jana by email or learn more about her, here on her website or on her Facebook Page.