Touch is a basic need for our health and development. Being touched by someone and touching someone else, are fundamental to human interaction. Furthermore, touch is an international language that can go far beyond mere words to communicate meaning.

We can easily forget how significant this powerful form of communication is, and how strongly it connects us to ourselves and others. By training together to strengthen this natural resource of ours, we tap into our unique qualities and bring them to the fore.

Although this short training was created for Pantarei students and practitioners, it is open for anyone who would like to broaden their experiences through the world of touch.
We will:

  • Enhance our level of energy and vitality
  • Strengthen our confidence
  • Improve our ability to communicate (verbally and through touch)
  • Connect to ourselves and enjoy the simple act of being who we are
  • Connect to our surroundings and the flow of life

Keep In Touch – Training

October 28 @ 05:30 pm
5:30 pm

Pantarei Approach Winsstr. 60 10405

Claudia Glowik

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